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FREE Insulation

E.R.A Climate Technologies, Longview, Texas, HVAC, HVAC Services, HVAC Maintenance, AC Repair, Furnace Repair, Air Conditioning Service, Air Conditioning Repair, Heating Repair
When you purchase a complete qualifying system
You will also receive a total of R-38 in your attic space for FREE an apx $1900 value

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Cannot combine with other promotions or offers, see dealer for further details

Protecting Your Home From Extreme Heat

During the sweltering heat of summer, your home is supposed to be your oasis. Your place of cool relief. But during the worst heat waves, the weather can start to get in the way of your comfort.

With just a few simple steps, you can keep the heat at bay, while keeping your air-conditioning system from becoming overworked.

1. Insulate your attic.

Proper attic insulation goes a long way toward preserving your comfort; it’s not just for keeping heat in during the winter, it can also ward heat off during the summer. Whether blown in or installed in rolls, it can make a huge difference in your savings and the temperature in your home.

2. Install an attic door cover.

While insulation is a great all-over solution for the attic, particular attention should be paid to the hatch or stairway used for attic access. Most of the heat that flows between the attic and the rest of the house comes through this access point. By adding an attic door cover, the flow of heat out of the attic can be greatly reduced.

3. Caulk windows and doors.

When it comes to insulating against heat, the attic is just the beginning. Poorly sealed windows can let warm air in. Caulking them can do a lot to preserve your comfort. Likewise, doors that don’t seal properly when closed can let in substantial amounts of warm air; by weather stripping them, you can help halt the loss of comfort and energy.

4. Install a programmable thermostat.

To help fight heat more efficiently and effectively, consider a programmable thermostat. They create substantial energy savings without affecting comfort by reducing system use during times of lesser cooling need, such as at night when temperatures are lower or during the workday when your home may be empty.

5. Consider a Variable air conditioner.

Another highly effective tool in the fight against wilting summer heat is the installation of a multi-stage air conditioner. Since they can adjust their cooling output based on demand, variable capacity air conditioners can often run at a lower speed, helping you use less energy to maintain the same amount of comfort.

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